It is a difficult decision to place your loved one in a nursing home. This decision is normally only established after lengthy discussions with family members and tours of various facilities in the area. Therefore, when you discover that your loved one has been the victim of terrible abuse in the nursing home you picked out for them, the repercussions can be terrible. You trusted the establishment to take better care of your loved one than you could, but instead the nursing home harmed them, leaving long-lasting emotional or financial injuries. If you’re loved one has been mistreated while in the care of a nursing home, contact our established nursing home abuse attorney in Atlanta, GA.


Nursing home abuse comes in different forms: physical abuse and mental abuse (often related to financial manipulation). Physical abuse unfortunately occurs quite often in nursing home facilities. It is therefore important to consistently inspect your loved one for signs of injury during your visits to the nursing home. Many of these injuries will go undetected for weeks or months since they are often in hidden locations or excused as slip and fall injuries. Signs of physical abuse to be on the lookout for include:

  • Unexplained bruises or cuts
  • Broken bones
  • Withdrawn demeanor or attitude
  • Change in personality
  • Signs of neglect
  • Improper medication dosage
  • Malnourishment or dehydration

The elderly may also experience emotional or financial abuse including intimidation and other forms of manipulation regarding wills and finances. If you notice your loved one taking out large amounts of money, opening new credit cards, or changing provisions in their will to provide a bequest to nursing home staff, it is important to investigate this immediately. Many times, your loved one will be unaware that they are being manipulated at all. It is therefore important to put an end to this early on before it becomes a larger issue, since skilled nursing home manipulators will often try to turn your loved one against you.


The nursing home and its staff should be held responsible for any damages that result from physical and mental abuse on nursing home patients. Nursing home residents are often in homes because their families cannot care for them. Many residents do not have full operation of their senses and are not completely aware of what is going on around them. It is therefore very important to understand when something is amiss with your loved one’s care. Our Atlanta nursing home abuse attorney can help if your loved one is eligible to receive compensation in the form of any financial damages which occurred as the result of the inappropriate abuse.


If you believe your loved one was the victim of nursing home abuse, do not hesitate to contact Atlanta Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Sutton T. Slover as soon as possible after the injury occurs. This is a difficult time for any family, especially since they often pick out the location where their loved one will stay, but it is important not to place the blame on yourself. Someone else is responsible for the injuries that occurred, and that person as well as the nursing home itself, should compensate your loved one for the injuries they received while in their care. Contact our office today for your initial free consultation.