If you are involved in an automobile accident, especially one that causes damage and injury, you may be entitled to compensation for such things as medical bills, rehabilitation, lost wages and more.
hiring a lawyer after a car accident in Dekalb County, GA can be a daunting prospect. How do you select an attorney most likely to help you receive all the compensation to which you are entitled? Here are a few tips to help narrow your search.
Hire an attorney who focuses exclusively on personal injury law.
Remember the adage, “Jack-of-all-trades, master of none?” The concept applies here. The practice of law is extremely diverse and complex, and attorneys who spread their attention around too many types of law are less likely to provide the level of attention you need to win your case. Choose an experienced, dedicated personal injury lawyer, and your chances for success go up considerably.
Hire an attorney who listens and pays attention.
If you interview an attorney who spends more time talking than listening, that’s generally a bad sign. How can this lawyer truly represent your interests without taking the time and effort to understand the nuances of your case? Observe how your attorney converses with you in your initial consultation. Does he seem engaged? Does he ask questions? Does he show empathy?
Don’t hire an attorney solely on price.
This cuts two ways. Choosing a lawyer with the lowest rates often means you receive less attention and service, and frequently a lowered chance of a positive outcome. On the other hand, choosing the highest-priced lawyer won’t guarantee you better results. Take the price and your budget into account, but don’t make it the deciding factor. The right attorney for your case is one who gives your case the attention it deserves, regardless of the rate.
Hire an attorney with localized experience.
Even within the same state, different court jurisdictions often have different protocols and procedures. An attorney with specific court experience in Dekalb County will have established working relationships and a better grasp of the inner workings of the courts.
Hire an attorney who is willing to take the case to court if needed.
Many personal injury cases can be settled out of court, but if your attorney is too eager to take that route, it may mean you receive a lower settlement. A good personal injury attorney is always ready to bring your case to court if he feels it’s the best way to get you the compensation you deserve.
If you’re looking for a lawyer after having a car accident in Dekalb County, GA, Sutton Slover Law offers plenty of localized experience, and personal injury law is all we practice. For a free case evaluation, call us today at 404.768.0292.